Tell Someone

Posted: March 16, 2010 in Following Jesus
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burning thingI am getting increasingly uncomfortable. I’ve heard personal stories lately of persecution in places like Pakistan, Iran and India. My Pakistani friends have been threatened by their landlord for holding a home Bible study. I hear the stories, but it’s really hard for me to wrap my mind around what that feels like and looks like, especially when I live so comfortably. Every convenience at my finger tips. I throw away so much food, and I feel convicted, but I’m not sure what to do.

One Arizona town is feeling persecution now. In Gilbert, reported by, “Alliance Defense Fund attorneys filed an appeal Wednesday with the town of Gilbert’s zoning Board of Adjustment to overturn a decision banning churches from meeting, holding Bible studies, or having any other activities in private homes. The pastor of the seven-member Oasis of Truth Church received a cease-and-desist letter ordering him to terminate all religious meetings in his home, regardless of their size, nature, or frequency.” Read the full article.

Although this is a small town in one state, get ready, Christ followers. There may come a time when we can’t meet at a nice facility once a week. The church is the people. Who can you tell about Jesus today? How He set you free? How He is the answer?

Holy Spirit, give us courage! You say you will give us words. Help us TRUST you to do what you say you will do when we go where you say to go. In the power and name of Jesus, Amen.

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